Friday, May 22, 2020
Book Critique Family to Family - 1819 Words
Book Critique Two: Family to Family Presented to In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for: Bibliographical Entry Pipes, Jerry and Victor Lee. Family to Family, Families Making a Difference. Lawrenceville, GA: Jerry Pipes Productions, 1999. Author Information The authors of the book are Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee. Content Summary In the book, Family to Family, Families Making a Difference, the writers detail the major premise of the work within its first few pages: â€Å"Family to Family will help you discover God’s purpose for your family, develop a family mission statement, establish core values, make time for quality and quantity family time centered around†¦show more content†¦The flow of the work involves a clever method employed by the writers that mixes conversational and anecdotal stories with necessary information, which is important to hold the interest of the target audiences. The writers may have perhaps offered a more compelling argument, had they given their target audience a little more background information concerning the statistics they compiled, rather than just highlighting that information in endnotes. The chapter on mission statements feels rushed, and gives the impression that research for the work appears to be somewhat lacking. Case in point: there is no citation offered concerning the comparison of Jonathan Edwards and the Jukes families. This cannot help but offer the audience the false notion that the writers composed the necessary research to develop the notion they are putting forth (24-25). The writers provide another example without properly citing and giving credit to the source on page 26, in the example of the bucket of sand and the big rock and the little rock. This is an illustration which has been used by many in the past, and the writers are not the original source of it. They state, â€Å"Perhaps you have seen the illustration of the big rocks and little rocks†(26). Again,Show MoreRelatedA Research On My Sophomore Honors English Class1693 Words  | 7 Pageswhere students publish a thoughtful collection of narrative nonfiction writing in which they tell specific family stories. Along the way students conduct interviews to produce a journalistic piece of writing and then utilize creative writing techniques to develop characters, settings and use selected literary devices. The project culminates with the publishing and launching of a hardbound copy book using professional methods and local collaboration. Why this project? Why a project-based unit? FourRead MoreThe Mcdonaldization Of Society By George Ritzer876 Words  | 4 Pagesexplanation, which was impersonal and had many rules. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay on Alcoholism - 922 Words
Alcoholism Alcohol consumption was initiated on reservations when traders in the nineteenth century started to offer it to oppressed and depressed Native Americans. Natives represent, in fact, the ethnic group with the highest degree of alcohol consumption in the United States. Confinement on reservations after displacement brought for Native Americans identity conflicts and assimilation problems. This situation promoted the abuse of liquor to mitigate the psychological pain inflicted by the dispossession of the land and enclosure in a limited and controlled space. Both the stereotype of the â€Å"Noble Savage†and the â€Å"drunken Indian†are recurrent figures in mainstream literature of the US. Native American Literature of the 70s†¦show more content†¦For instance: Tayo, Abel (House Made of Dawn), Gordie Kashpaw (Love Medicine) and the characters of Winter in the Blood (mostly all characters of Welsh’s fiction) present similar characteristics as assimilated and alienated Indians: they have lost their â€Å"Indianess†as a result of their mixed-blood inheritance. Abel’s alcoholism makes him react violently to tribal ways and, thus it takes him to prison, charged with murder: â€Å"For him (Abel) alcohol is no tranquilizer, but a fire that feeds his sullen, speechless rage until he explodes in a violence that results in his near-fatal beating by the culebra policeman Martinez†(Allen, 139-140). He will die understanding tribal ways but unable to deal with the role they play in his mixed blood life. Tayo suffers post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of the death of his cousin and the horrors of war and finds consolation in drink ing. But Tayo’s problems with alcohol started long before upon discovering his legacy and feeling tribal rejection in a pattern started by his mother, a Laguna woman who, in mating with a white man, lost her soul and life. Death found her alone, drunk and without shelter. Abel must get reconciled with his past unless he wants to be found dead alone in an alley or frozen in a blizzard like June Morrisey in Love Medicine or the father of the protagonist of Winter in the Blood. June becameShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism : Alcoholism And Alcoholism2482 Words  | 10 Pageslead to extreme alcohol abuse and even alcoholism. The society we live in is strongly prejudiced by alcohol, and affects people of all ages, gender, and background. It has been uncovered to millionaires to the homeless. 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Alcohol consumptionRead MoreAlcoholism And Their Effects On Alcoholism Essay1326 Words  | 6 PagesMillions of people every year are affected by alcoholism. Both those suffering from alcoholism, and their family members. Out of the millions effected, only a fraction of them seek help in taking control of their addiction. There are many similarities between individual cases of alcoholism, and countless resources to help those who wish to stop drinking, and rekindle their relationships with their families. Statistics In 2014 in the United States 87.6% of people age 18 and older have reported drinkingRead MoreThe Dangers Of Alcoholism And Alcoholism1165 Words  | 5 Pagessomeone to drink and how can they overcome alcoholism? Are a person s emotions the motivating factor to suppress depression or hate? Are social groups, peer pressure, or the need to fit in the primary motivator or is it a result from the type of environment the drinker was raised in? Is it possible to overcome alcoholism and live a happy and normal life? Let’s take a look at a few of the factors that could motivate someone to fall victim to alcoholism and the chances of overcoming this dreadfulRead MoreAlcoholism : Is Alcoholism A Disease?929 Words  | 4 PagesAlcoholism has raised many debates over the truth of its nature. Many scholars argue that alcoholism can be treated as a disease. Such approach to defining alcoholism means denying that alcohol abusers own a choice. In consequence, the treatment related diffe rs and may or may not actually help alcoholics recover. A wrong diagnostic of this addiction can lead to serious health issues; therefore, it is vital to answer the following question: Is alcoholism a disease? Most experts in this field criticisesRead MoreAlcoholism And Dependency Of Alcoholism924 Words  | 4 Pagessources. The research study that will be the main focus of this paper will be on alcoholism and topics discussed on the dependency of alcoholism. One will come across with articles having different discuss on the effects, use of and dependency of alcoholism. The introduction section will include a brief definition of alcoholism. Overall the paper will discuss about the causes of alcoholism, effects of alcoholism, the treatment for alcohol dependence. Method section will discuss about the participantsRead MoreAlcoholism Is An Epidemic Of Alcoholism1492 Words  | 6 Pages It’s no secret that alcoholism is an epidemic. Anyone can fall prisoner to its call. Alcoholism knows no gender, no age, and no race. Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol. This addiction is not a joke, or a reason to shame others. Its effects on people can be fatal. Alcoholism has claimed the lives of many people. Not always in the same way, but all the same a life lost. The way that some people lose their lives is listed as following: they lose their family, friends, homes, jobs, and etc. nowRead MoreThe Problem Of Alcoholism And Alcoholism1539 Words  | 7 PagesAlcoholism proves to be a leading cause of brain damage and body malfunction all across America, ultimately endangering your life and the ones around you, but overcoming alcoholism seems to be a harder obstacle to overcome because this addictive drug imprints denial on your brain and makes you think you can stop drinking whenever you want. Denial is one of the hardest hurdles to jump over to getting help for al coholism and abuse. The desire to drink is so strong that the mind finds ways to rationalizeRead MoreAlcoholism And Its Effects On Alcoholism2456 Words  | 10 Pages Alcoholism is one of the most intractable and pervasive psychological disorders known. Though the negative health consequences of alcohol are widely understood, and, if anything, the social consequences of alcoholism are even more widely acknowledged, it seems that no matter what steps are taken by public health officials or private organizations, no strategy can ever be fully developed for eradicating alcoholism. There are a number of reasons why this is true. This paper will explore some ofRead MoreAlcoholism : An Exploration Of Alcoholism2043 Words  | 9 PagesDrink Too Many: An Exploration of Alcoholism Many adults can enjoy a drink or two from time to time without any issues, but just one drink can cause over seventeen million Americans’ lives to spiral out of control. Though most people do not have issues with drinking alcoholic beverages, many have a condition which causes their brain to function differently when they consume alcohol. This disease can be deadly for both the alcoholic and those around them. Alcoholism can control someone’s life, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Salem Witch Trials and Account Free Essays
Salem Witch Trial: Hangings Michelle Woodring Mr. Yates American Literature 1 May 2010 Salem Witch Trial: Hangings Theses There were many casualties of the Salem Witch Trials and there are still many mysteries today. * Salem History and Background * Witch Craft Starting * Symptoms of Witch Craft * People Accused of Witch Craft * Trials * Hangings * End of the Witch Hunt Michelle Woodring Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Salem Witch Trials and Account or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yates American Literature 1 May 2010 Salem Witch Trials: Hanging’s In1688, John Putnam invited Samuel Parris to preach in the Village church (â€Å"An Account of. . †). A year later inflation adjustments, and free firewood, Parris accepted the job as Village minister r(â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). He moved to Salem Village with his wife Elizabeth, his six year old daughter Betty, niece Abagail Williams, and his Indian slave Tituba (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Sometime during February of 1692 young Betty Parris became strangely ill (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). The cause of her symptoms seemed to match those of Ergot (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Betty’s behavior in some ways mirrored that of witch craft (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). It was easy to believe with an Indian war raging less than several miles away that the devil was close in hand (An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Talk of witch craft increased when other playmates of Betty’s began to exhibit similar unusual behavior (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). William Griggs, a doctor, was called in to examine the girls he suggested that the girl’s problems might have a supernatural origin (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The number of girls afflicted continued to grow rising to seven (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The girls contorted into poses, fell down into frozen postures, and complained of biting and pinching sensations (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Sometime after February 25 and 29 the first three accused of witch craft were Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborn (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Tituba was an obvious choice (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Sarah Good was a beggar (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Sarah Osborn was old and had not attended a church for over a year (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Tituba was the first witch to admit to doing witch craft (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Soon the spectral forms of other women attacking the afflicted girls came into the court rooms (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, and Mary Easty were accused of witch craft during a March 20 church service (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Dorcas Good, four-year-old daughter of Sarah Good, became the first child to be accused of witch craft when three of the girls complained that they were bitten by the specter of Dorcas (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Deliverance Hobbs became the second witch to confess for doing witch craft (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The first accused witch to be brought to trial at the local church was Bridget Bishop (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). At Bishop’s trial on June 2 a field hand testified that he saw Bishop’s image stealing eggs and then saw her transform herself into a cat (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Bishop’s jury returned a verdict of guilty on June 10 (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Bishop was carted to Gallows Hill and hanged (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). As the summer of 1692 warmed, the pace of trials picked up (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). John Proctor was openly critical of the trial and paid for his skepticism with his life (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). No execution caused more unease in Salem than that of the village’s ex minister, George Burroughs (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Burroughs was identified by several of his accusers as the ringleader of the witches (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Among the thirty accusers of Burroughs was nineteen-year-old Mercy Lewis that offered unusually vivid testimony against Burroughs saying that he had came to her in the middle of the night and made her sign the Devils book (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Burroughs became guilty and took to Gallows hill to be hanged he recited the Lord’s Prayer perfectly which greatly moved people (â€Å"An Account of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The Lord’s Prayer: Our father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, As in heaven, so on earth. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we Also have forgiven our debtors And lead us not into temptation, but Deliver us from evil: for thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory Forever. Amen. One victim of Salem witch-hunt was not hung his name was Giles Corey (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). He died from being pressed to death by stones (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Three days after Giles Corey’s death on September 22 eight more convicted witches were hung (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). They were the last victims of the witch-hunt (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). With spectral evidence not admitted, twenty-eight of the last thirty-three witchcraft trials ended in acquittals (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). In May of 1693, all remaining accused or convicted witches were released from prison (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). By the time witch-hunt ended nineteen convicted witches were executed (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). And at least four accused witches had died in prison (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Then one man was pressed to death by stones (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). About one or two hundred other persons were arrested and imprisoned on witch craft charges and two dogs were executed as suspected accomplices of witches (â€Å"Salem Witch Trials†). Works Cited Linder, Douglas O. â€Å"An Account of Events in Salem,†Famous American Trials: Salem Witch Craft Trials of 1692. Sep 2009. Web. 15 Apr 2010. â€Å"Salem Witch Trials. †Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation. Inc. 12 Apr 2010. Web. 15 Apr 2010. â€Å"Matthew 6:9-13, The Lord’s Prayer. †Holy Bible: King James Version. Holman Bible Publishers. 1973. 26 Apr 2010. How to cite Salem Witch Trials and Account, Papers
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