Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Analysis of Antonio’s Character :: Antonio Sebastian Essays
The Analysis of Antonio’s Character The lines selected for analysis are Act II, Scene I, lines 277-291, when Antonio is trying to reassure Sebastian that killing his brotherâ€â€the King of Naplesâ€â€is a good idea and well worth the effort. As the reader knows, Antonio usurped his brother, Prospero, and became the Duke of Milan. This sets the stage for his attitude towards Sebastian’s wanting to kill his brother, King Alonso. Because of Antonio’s past actions he sees nothing wrong with getting rid of a family member for personal gain, but his reasons for doing so began at a young age and have been etched into his brain. Antonio’s psychological depth reveals that he is a man jealous of his brother’s rightful power, and stemming from that is his insecurity and lust for power wherever he may find it (in this case, having power over Sebastian). Antonio is not a good person, has few conscientious thoughts, and is now trying to convince his companion to follow his lead. If An tonio’s brother, Prospero, was to hear the selected lines, he would say that the only time Antonio thinks about performing acts that will get him power, by eliminating those who currently have it, is when it is to his advantage. He would say that Antonio devises plans to get rid of leaders when they are at a disadvantage, and he at an advantage, because he doesn’t feel that he could succeed otherwiseâ€â€his insecurities kicking in. I don’t think Shakespeare agrees with Antonio, and there are two examples in the play to support that. In response to Sebastian’s question about whether his conscience would bother him after committing fratricide, Antonio replies, â€Å"Ay, sir, where lies that? If `twere a kibe / `Twould put me to my slipper†¦Ã¢â‚¬ meaning that if his conscience was a small sore on the heel of his foot (a kibe), it would drive him to wear comfortable shoes but it would certainly not disrupt his life or stop him from doing what he’s doing. This shows Antonio to be a cold-hearted man, one who is able to quiet that little voice inside his head and push it to the back of his brain and continue with his terrible acts. In the next thought, he says, â€Å"†¦but I feel not this deity in my bosom,†admitting he doesn’t feel the tug of a conscience in his heart. The Analysis of Antonio’s Character :: Antonio Sebastian Essays The Analysis of Antonio’s Character The lines selected for analysis are Act II, Scene I, lines 277-291, when Antonio is trying to reassure Sebastian that killing his brotherâ€â€the King of Naplesâ€â€is a good idea and well worth the effort. As the reader knows, Antonio usurped his brother, Prospero, and became the Duke of Milan. This sets the stage for his attitude towards Sebastian’s wanting to kill his brother, King Alonso. Because of Antonio’s past actions he sees nothing wrong with getting rid of a family member for personal gain, but his reasons for doing so began at a young age and have been etched into his brain. Antonio’s psychological depth reveals that he is a man jealous of his brother’s rightful power, and stemming from that is his insecurity and lust for power wherever he may find it (in this case, having power over Sebastian). Antonio is not a good person, has few conscientious thoughts, and is now trying to convince his companion to follow his lead. If An tonio’s brother, Prospero, was to hear the selected lines, he would say that the only time Antonio thinks about performing acts that will get him power, by eliminating those who currently have it, is when it is to his advantage. He would say that Antonio devises plans to get rid of leaders when they are at a disadvantage, and he at an advantage, because he doesn’t feel that he could succeed otherwiseâ€â€his insecurities kicking in. I don’t think Shakespeare agrees with Antonio, and there are two examples in the play to support that. In response to Sebastian’s question about whether his conscience would bother him after committing fratricide, Antonio replies, â€Å"Ay, sir, where lies that? If `twere a kibe / `Twould put me to my slipper†¦Ã¢â‚¬ meaning that if his conscience was a small sore on the heel of his foot (a kibe), it would drive him to wear comfortable shoes but it would certainly not disrupt his life or stop him from doing what he’s doing. This shows Antonio to be a cold-hearted man, one who is able to quiet that little voice inside his head and push it to the back of his brain and continue with his terrible acts. In the next thought, he says, â€Å"†¦but I feel not this deity in my bosom,†admitting he doesn’t feel the tug of a conscience in his heart.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Pel Appliances Essay
In 1986-87, the company started manufacturing of refrigerators in technical collaboration with M/s IAR-SILTAL of Italy. In 1987, PEL deep freezers were also introduced in technical collaboration with M/s Ariston of Italy. In 2006, the Company has started manufacturing of split type air conditioners of various capacities as the customer choice has shifted from window type to split type. The product has been well received in the market. This encourages the company to multiply its production in the coming year. Today, PEL has become a household name. Its products are not only in great demand in the local market but the Company has started exporting its appliances The company comprises of two divisions: * Appliances Division * Power Division Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) is the pioneer manufacturer of electrical goods in Pakistan. It was established in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/s AEG of Germany. In October 1978, the company was taken over by Saigol Group of Companies. Since its inception, the company has always been contributing owards the advancement and development of the engineering sector in Pakistan by introducing a range of quality electrical equipments and home appliances and by producing hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians through its apprenticeship schemes and training programmes. The company comprises of two divisions: * Ever since their launch, PEL air conditioners have a leading position in the market. PEL air conditioners cooling performance has been tested and approved by Copeland and ITS USA. With the shift of users preference from window type to split type air conditioners, PEL has started manufacturing split type air conditioners. PEL Refrigerators The manufacturing of refrigerators started in 1986-87 in technical collaboration with M/s IAR-SILTAL of Italy. Like the air conditioner, PEL’s refrigerators are also in great demand. Today, PEL Crystal has 30% market share. Its cooling performance is tested and approved by Danfoss, Germany and its manufacturing facility is ISO 9002 certified by SGS Switzerland. PEL Deep Freezers PEL deep freezers were introduced in 1987 in technical collaboration with M/s Ariston of Italy. Because of durability and high quality, PEL deep freezers are the preferred choice of companies like Unilever. Power Division manufactures energy meters, transformers, switchgears, Kiosks, compact stations, shunt capacitor banks etc. All these electrical goods are manufactured under strict quality control and in accordance with international standards. PEL is one of the major electrical equipment suppliers to Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) and Karachi Electrical Supply Corporation (KESC), which are the largest power utilities in Pakistan. Over the years, PEL electrical equipment has been used in numerous power projects of national importance within Pakistan. PEL has the privilege of getting its equipment approved and certified by well-reputed international consultants such as: * Preece, Cardew and Rider, England Harza Engineering Company, USA * Snam Progeti, Italy * Societe Dumezm, France * Miner ;amp; Miner International Inc. USA * Ensa, France In spite of stiff competition from emerging local and multinational brands, PEL Group’s appliances and electrical equipments have remained in the spotlight due to constant innovation. Strategic partnership with multinationals of repute have enabled t he PEL Group to incorporate new technologies into existing product ranges, thus giving the Pakistani market access to innovative, affordable and quality products. PEL was 16th Company in Pakistan which got ISO 9002 Certification in 1997, since then PEL Management is applying this International Standard Practices for Effectively Managing Quality of Products and Services that Company Offers. The International Standard Practices in PEL have been Upgraded as per the Revised ISO 9001 Standards and its Scope of Application is expanding ever since and Top Management is Committed to make PEL a Total Quality Management (TQM) Company. In this Company Quality is the Subject of Management at all Levels.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Discrimination Against Women s Human Rights - 1005 Words
Essay #2- Prompt #4: Claiming One’s Human Rights Prompt: Why has it been difficult for indigenous peoples to claim human rights? Was it equally hard to establish women’s human rights to freedom from violence? Consider a series of factors such as the nature of their rights claims and the political context within which these claims were made in discussing the similarities and differences between these two cases and the process through which they became defined as human rights. The idea that indigenous people have rights is relatively new; the majority of states did not adopt the UN declaration into law, until 2007 (ONCHR 2007). Likewise, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was not adopted into law until 1979 (United Nations 2009). Both indigenous peoples and women are marginalized communities that have faced social stigmas and institutionalized oppression for centuries in an effort to claim their human rights. While women’s rights seem to be progressing on a larger scale than indigenous peoples’ rights, women’s rights are also a relatively new concept and women have faced many challenges in their fight for equality as well. A barrier that indigenous people must overcome in their journey to achieving complete equality and their basic human rights is social acceptance and their rights to culture (Donnelly 1989: 215). Indigenous peoples, regardless of origin, have differences in their beliefs and practices that might conflictShow MoreRelatedSexual Discrimination And Gender Discrimination1384 Words  | 6 PagesSexual discrimination, sex based discrimination, gender discrimination or sexism is a type of prejudice or discrimination based on a person s sex or gender usually by the opposite gender. Thus, it generally refers to discrimination against a male by a female or a female by a male. Feminism can therefore be considered a form of sexism. 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